Saturday, 22 June 2013

The Best Lemon Drizzle Cake EVER!

Okay, so I'm not the biggest fan of lemon cakes. I can take or leave them unlike most other cakes. This one however, is a hit with everyone. It reminds me of my childhood and standing on a stool in the kitchen with a wooden spoon with my mother and making it the old fashioned way. I still make this on a regular basis and its definitely a hit with the whole family.
The recipe came originally from a lady called Margaret who my parents met in the SCBU facility in the hospital I was born in. I was in the neonatal unit for a short while and it was there that my mum befriended Margaret, grandmother to another baby there (who I think was called Joshua). She made this cake one day and then gave my mum the recipe after it was such a hit. Every time I make it I think of the emotional turmoil it must've helped my parents through, and have therefore dubbed it the all-healing, miracle lemon cake. If you make it you'll realise that it's not an exaggeration; it really is pretty special!!
I usually make this in a 2lb loaf tin but have also tried making cupcakes with it which also went down a treat!
It's a really simple method too:
  1. In a bowl cream 110g butter (or Stork) and 110g sugar together until light and fluffy.
  2. Beat 2 eggs in a bowl and weigh out 175g of self-raising flour.
  3. Add the flour and beaten eggs alternately until you've incorporated both.
  4. Add in the zest of a lemon and mix through.
  5. Pour the mixture (it's quite thick so don't be alarmed) into a 2lb loaf tin and bake  at 180 degrees Celsius for 30-40 minutes until a skewer comes out clean. If you're making cupcakes they obviously won't take that long, I'd try them for about 18 minutes then keep checking. I'd also recommend turning the oven temperature down to around 160.
While the cake is in the oven, combine the juice of the lemon with 4 tbsp. of  icing sugar and mix until smooth. It's a VERY runny icing so don't be tempted to add more icing sugar!
When the cake comes out of the oven, allow to cool for a few minutes then while it is still hot pierce several holes in the top of it using a skewer. Pour the icing over and allow it to soak into the cake.
Allow the cake to cool in the tin.
When cool, slice it up into generous slices and enjoy a moist lemon cake with a perfect balance of sharp and sweet.
I've also made this cake and added fresh lemon curd into the middle of the batter before baking which works a treat. If not everyone's a fan of lemon curd, you could always spread some on after it's been baked and sliced (any maybe add some clotted cream if you're feeling really naughty!).
It's definitely a favourite in our family so I hope you enjoy it just as much!

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