Friday, 28 June 2013

Bronni Bakes Brownies!!

Okay, so I know there's a LOT of brownie recipes out there and everyone thinks they have the perfect one. If you're a fan of a dense brownie that's got the right balance of gooeyness and cakeyness, then I'm sure these would be a really good hit! It's not my FAVOURITE brownie recipe ever, as that's the one we have in work. Seriously, those brownies are TO DIE FOR, literally. That recipe is top secret and belongs to the cupcake shop I work in as it was devised by one of the bakers there. If you want to compare the brownies in this recipe to those then if you're in Scotland you're in luck as that's where Bibi's is based. If you're not lucky enough to come and taste it for yourself, I think this recipe makes a pretty good alternative. It's based on one from 'You' magazine that my mum found in March 2013. It's certainly the closest one I've found to the awesomeness that is the legendary Bibi's brownie!!
Since tasting Bibi's brownies, my mum's been in search for the next best thing so was constantly getting as many recipes as she could find until she found the best possible alternative. It's super simple and requires minimal effort but gives perfect results every time (unless you're my mother in which case they somehow seem to resemble bricks...). Hopefully I make the recipe clear enough to make it idiot-proof (it's really not a complex one at all!!).
125g dark chocolate (the better the chocolate the better the brownie)
175g unsalted butter
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
275g muscavado sugar (light or dark, the  dark one will give a 'fudgier' texture but both work well)
75g self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Melt the chocolate and butter together in a bowl over a pan of simmering water or in the microwave (be careful with it and stir it often if microwaving to prevent burning).

2. Whisk the eggs with the sugar and vanilla until frothy. 

3. Add  the chocolate mixture to the egg mixture and mix until well-combined.
4. Sift in the remaining dry ingredients and fold through.

5. Pour into a rectangular tin (about 30 cm x 20 cm although a square would work well but give deeper brownies). I usually do them flatter and in a longer tin just so the mixture goes further. They rise up so don't be alarmed if it only covers about 1cm in the bottom of your tin!! It's meant to be a very liquid batter too so don't panic that you've gone wrong!

6. Bake at 160 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes until firm to the touch. It can still be gooey in the middle (as I like it) as it will set when it cools and give a fudgier texture to your brownie.  
7. Cool completely before slicing up then store in an airtight container for about a week (not that they'll be around for long!!)
It's really versatile too! I've added brazil or macadamia nuts, peanut butter (crunchy gives a much better result but if you're lacking some teeth for chomping power by all means go with smooth), marshmallows (although I find it best to put them on top of a warm brownie when it comes out of the oven rather than bake them into it), cherries, raspberries, white chocolate chunks... basically anything. Cheesecake brownies are also really good too!!

I hope you find these really simple to make and they go down a treat like they do when I make them. Get creative and experiment by adding things to them too like fresh fruit or nuts!

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