Friday, 28 June 2013

Better than brownies... Cheesecake brownies!!

Okay, so I looooove cheesecake. The one thing I possibly love more is cheesecake baked into cake. For some reason it's just heaven for me.  Cheesecake frosting is also a front-runner in the list of my favourite things to eat. Anyway, the brownie recipe that I posted is awesome in itself, but I've found that a way to make it even better (in my opinion) is to turn it into a cheesecake brownie.
The brownie recipe is exactly the same as the one I posted before ( but I just mix a baked cheesecake filling through the brownie batter.
The cheesecake mixture is basically the same as the first recipe in the cheesecake frosting page which is just a 200g tub of full-fat cream cheese with icing sugar mixed through to taste (do it a tablespoon at a time as it really doesn't need too much. Don't make it too sweet as the brownie itself is rather sugary so you want to keep that cream cheesey tang. Once combined mix a large egg through the mixture with a fork. 
If you want to add some chocolate chips or chunks of chopped up belgian chocolate that works reeeeeally well too (this most certainly isn't a healthy recipe!!). I sometimes add white chocolate to the cream cheese and sugar mix (melted sometimes then folded through or in chunks, whatever you prefer) and mix through some fresh raspberries for a white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake brownie. I must admit it's pretty damn special. Cherries also work well in it. 
It's really versatile and you can play around with it as you want. I'm sure some grated orange zest through the cheesecake mixture would work a treat in the brownie too. Maybe chop up some chocolate orange segments and mix them through it too to reinforce the orangeyness? That would be a pretty good Christmas brownie I reckon!!

- Don't over-mix the cream cheese - it'll go runny and won't give the thick and creamy texture of a good cheesecake when it's baked through
- Try adding the cream cheese filling to cupcakes too. Just a teaspoon full in each cupcake before putting them in the oven works a treat and gives each cake a nice cheesecakey filling. If you wanted to do chocolate cheesecake cupcakes, use the vanilla batter in the link but substitute 20g of the flour for cocoa powder. 
- When adding the cheesecake to the brownie, don't mix it through thoroughly. Swirl it through leaving good 'blobs' of it still there otherwise it'll all blend into one batter and won't give the contrast you want between gooey brownie and soft, fluffy cheesecake.
-If you wanted a simple but impressive dessert at a dinner party that everyone thinks has taken considerable effort and time, make this and serve warm with some ice cream!

It really is a super simple recipe that gives gorgeous results. Give it a go and you won't regret it. It'll soon become one of your favourite things too!

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