Sunday, 30 June 2013

Custard.... the old-fashioned way.

I'd just made chocolate mousse so had lots of egg yolks left. Considering I hate waste, I decided to make a proper egg custard with the yolks rather than using custard powder. I'd also decided to make a salted caramel and apple tart so the custard went perfectly with that.
I used Mary Berry's recipe from the BBC Food website but took pictures as I went to give a step-by-step guide (and also to remind myself of what each step should look like next time I make it!).
The recipe is in the link there so I'll just post the pictures (because I'm lazy and sick of typing for today!).
Milk, cream and vanilla heating up.
Egg yolks, sugar and corn flour mixed.
A little hot milk into the eggs so the eggs don't split when you add them to the rest of the milk.
Egg mixture back into the rest of the milk.
Pan back on the heat and stirred until custard is thick.
All ready to be slathered over some cinnamon and apple tart ;)
(Or poured gently on the side if you want to take a photo of it without it being obvious that the tart was swimming in it before you started munching on it....)
The recipe is simple enough as it is but if you haven't made custard the 'proper' way before this might help :)

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