Wednesday 8 January 2014

Rosewater Turkish Delight

I guess this is like the sweet version of Marmite. I happen to love Turkish Delight, everyone else in my house hates it. My aunty only likes the ones that aren't covered in chocolate and considering I'd never made it, I decided to give it a go for her Christmas present as I love giving homemade gifts. It was a real success overall! It's also not as hard as you might think....
This is the recipe I used. I'll link it straight up as I didn't tweak it at all and it's simple enough to follow. I haven't tried it with lemon but I'm definitely going to. I also want to try it with orange and pistachio as I think that'd be really nice.
Here are the photos of the process of making it.
I'm not sure if I boiled it too vigorously as it seemed to be really airy and formed a crispy film over the top when I poured it out. Once I'd dusted the cubes with sugar it didn't really matter but it really bothered me (insignificant a flaw as it may seem to others) so I'm determined to find out why and remedy it before I make more!

It's reeeeeeeeally sticky so getting it out of the dish and into the little cubes is a nightmare. I don't think cling film would work as the mix is soooo hot when you pour it out I don't think cling film would stand a chance. You could try greaseproof or foil but they'd leave ridges in the final product and I'm far too much of a perfectionist for that to be okay!
It's sticky and feels like it doesn't want to come out, but get a palette knife and show it who's boss!! I started in a corner and just worked my way through the tray in rows. It's resilient stuff so don't be afraid to be a bit rough with it to get it out. It'll ping back to it's little cube :)

I hadn't made it before and there don't seem to be many recipes out there, not ones as simple as this anyway. I hope that it helps knowing where I went wrong!
It's really not as hard or labour-intensive as you think and if you're a fan of rosewater definitely give it a go! If everyone else hates it, look on the bright side... more for you!!

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